Volunteer Opportunities at Gates Chili CSD

  • There is a long history of volunteerism associated with the Gates Chili Central School District. Over the years, parents/guardians and community members have willingly contributed their time and talents to promote student growth and learning. Volunteering makes a difference in your student's education and research shows that children whose parents/guardians are involved in their school do better academically and socially. Being a school volunteer allows you to connect to the school community and make it a better place. At Gates Chili, we believe volunteers are an invaluable resource to our teachers and students.    

    For more information contact:
    Marla Chefalo  
    Volunteer Coordinator  
    (585) 247-5345

    Parents/guardians and students looking for information about Service Learning for Students go to the Service Learning Page here for information.


volunteer opportunities

  • We offer volunteer opportunities in the following areas:

    • Classroom assistant
    • Copy room worker
    • Book Fair worker
    • Field trip chaperones
    • Social events chaperones
    • Assisting with special events
    • Music department volunteers
    • Athletic department volunteers 

    Not sure exactly how you would like to help with or where you would like to help? Call Marla Chefalo at (585) 247-5345 or email at MSChefalo@gateschili.org.


application process

  • The process to apply to be a Gates Chili Central School District Volunteer is done electronically and can be completed at any time. 

    STEP ONE: Complete the District Volunteer Application. Click this link to apply

    STEP TWO: Complete the Site-Specific Questionnaire for the location(s) you are interested in. Important note: this form will be emailed to you once you are approved via the initial application.

    If you do not have access to a computer or would like help, please contact our office at 247-5345 to set up an appointment.