Equity and Inclusion
The Gates Chili Central School District is committed to strengthening equity and inclusion so that all students can learn and grow without barriers.
Gates Chili celebrates the diversity of its school community. Statewide enrollment data shows public school students in New York State are 45% white, 26% Latinx, 18% Black, 9% Asian/Pacific Islander, 2% multiracial and 1% Native American. In Gates Chili, these figures are similar with 54% of our students self-reporting their race as white, 18% Black, 14% Latinx, 5% Asian/Pacific Islander, 8% multi-racial and <1% Native American. In addition, Gates Chili students represent more than 20 different home countries and speak more than 30 different home languages. Additionally, 50% of the district's students identify as economically disadvantaged, nearly 12% are students with disabilities and 5% are English Language Learners (ELLs).
This web section is dedicated to the work in which the district is engaged around equity and inclusion, including instructional efforts, professional development, and implementation. All of these are grounded by the guiding principles outlined in the district's moral imperative:
The Gates Chili Central School District has a moral duty to serve its students and families. Every student must be able to receive an equitable education where they are represented, protected and able to thrive. The district acknowledges the presence of white privilege and bias and how this perpetuates systematic racism. The Gates Chili Central School District is committed to the necessary growth required to develop and sustain equity and dismantle disproportionality.