Elementary Progress Reports


    Introduction & Purpose 
    The Standards-Based Progress Report, distributed three times a year, is one part of the system that we use in Gates Chili to report academic progress to families. The Progress Reports are based on New York State Standards, and list the most important skills students should learn in each subject at a particular grade level. It is important to note that the standards are end-of-grade expectations, so this is a useful tool in seeing your child's progress toward those standards. 


    Parent/Teacher conferences, informal communication and work sent home help provide you with additional information about your child's academic growth. Expectations increase throughout the year as we strive to challenge children to reach end of year grade level standards. Your child's first Progress Report will be given to you at the Parent Teacher conference in December. A second one will be sent home in March, and the final one will be mailed home at the end of the school year.  
    Achievement Scale
    In order to align to the New York State Learning Standards, the following scale is used to report student achievement. For marking periods 1 and 2, students are evaluated based on their progress toward end of the year grade level standards. For the final marking period in June, the score reflects their actual achievement in relation to the standards. 
    4 – Exceeding Grade Level Standards Students who achieve a 4 have completed end of year expectations and are working beyond grade level. 
    3 – Meeting Grade Level Standards  Students who achieve a 3 have met the end of year grade level expectations. This is the goal for marking period 3.
    2 – Progressing Toward Grade Level Standards  Students who achieve a 2 are meeting the appropriate benchmarks for attaining end of year grade level expectations. This is the most common achievement level for the 1st and 2nd marking periods.
    1 – Working Below Grade Level Standards Students who achieve a 1 are not meeting benchmarks for attaining grade level standards. 
    ~ Not marked at this time  This standard may have been introduced or practiced during this marking period, but it was not a focus and students' progress towards it has not been assessed. 

    Effort Scale
    The following scale is used to report student effort for each content area of the Progress Report. This scale is also used to report your child's demonstration of the Spartan Way. You will see this in the section titled, "Spartan Way as Demonstrated in the Classroom." Each special area teacher (Music, Art, Physical Education) will also use this scale for the Spartan Way characteristics in those classes. 
    C - Consistent      Student always demonstrates effort and appropriate behaviors which are aligned with the Spartan Way characteristics. 
    I - Inconsistent    Student sometimes demonstrates effort and appropriate behaviors which are aligned with the Spartan Way characteristics. 
    AC - Area of Concern Student rarely demonstrates effort and appropriate behaviors which are aligned with the Spartan Way characteristics. 

    Spartan Way Behaviors
    The Spartan Way characteristics indicate the expected behaviors of all students.
    Respect Respects classroom materials, other’s rights, feelings and property 
    Responsibility Focuses during instruction and uses strategies to manage emotions and behaviors 
    Compassion Demonstrates positive interactions with peers and adults
    Hard Work Approaches challenges with problem solving strategies, uses time effectively to produce his/her best work 

    Special Area Classes 
    Music All students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade receive General Music instruction. Students will be assessed on the following: Creating, Performing, Responding and Connecting. 

    Students that are in the fourth and fifth grade Instrumental Music Program will be assessed based on weekly lessons and band rehearsals. The Instrumental Music Progress Report is sent home separately at the end of each marking period. Parents and guardians are asked to sign and return it to school. 

    Art All students in grades kindergarten through fifth receive weekly Visual Art instruction.

    Students will be assessed on the following: Creating, Performing, Responding and Connecting. Below are definitions of the visual art standards:

    Creating: Conceiving and developing new artistic ideas and work
    Presenting: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
    Responding & Connecting: Understanding and evaluating how the arts convey personal and external meaning within the context of society, culture, and history

    Physical Education

    All students will receive Physical Education instruction.

    Students will be assessed in the following areas: manipulative skills, movement concepts/nonmanipulative skills, locomotor skills, fitness, and the application of rules, concepts, and strategies.

    Our goal is for our students to feel successful while participating in a variety of movement activities. This will help guide our students in developing a positive attitude towards being physically active


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