Welcome to the Gates Chili Athletic Program

  • Hello Spartans!!

    Registration is open for Gates Chili’s Winter 2024-25 Athletic season. All students must be registered and have a valid/up-to-date physical on file to participate.

     Please click here to open Family ID (Arbiter) to begin the registration process.

    Physical Dates: 


    High School (grades 9-12): Thursdays during 9th Period in the HS Health Office 


    Middle School (grades 7-8): November 14, 21 and December 5 in the MS Health Office. Students should go to the Health Office to let the nurse know they will need a physical prior to those dates.


    Start Dates: 

    November 18 - All Varsity and JV sports  


    December 2 - All Modified sports




Ken Hammel, Director of Physical Education, Health and Athletics

  • #BuildingAChampionshipCulture