Current Exploring Programs
Exploring ProgramThe Exploring Program is a unique educational opportunity that introduces students to careers and offers guidance, information, and hands-on experience that can help students as they identify potential career paths. New Exploring Posts open throughout the school year, each sponsored by a local company, college, or organization. High school credit may be earned depending on hours of attendance. Students and parents are invited to attend an informational meeting as each Post opens. Meetings are held at the facility of the sponsoring organization. Enrollment is limited and Posts tend to fill quickly. An RSVP to the Exploring Program for the meeting is essential to reserve your place.
American Institute of Architects
Arc & Flame (Blacksmith, glass work, welding)
Bushnell's Basin Fire Department
East Rochester Fire Department
Geva Theatre - Arts and Humanities
Greece Police - Law Enforcement
Highland Hospital, Family Clinic
Integrated Chiropractic and Physical Therapy
International Interior Design Association (IIDA) Rochester City Center
Monro Muffler Brake Inc. (University Ave., Rochester)
New York Kitchen - Culinary Arts
Optimax - Engineering/Adv Manufacturing
Rochester Black Bar Association
Rochester International Airport
St. John Fisher School of Pharmacy
University of Rochester School of Nursing Post - Medical Careers
Woods Oviatt Gilman - Law
For more information on the individual programs, contact:Exploring West: John Sheible 585.241.8558
Stuart Schnettler, Field Director at 585.241.8560