Regular attendance is crucial to the academic success of our students. For your student(s) to maximize their learning potential; they need to be in school, on time, and ready to learn. We monitor attendance on a daily basis and identify the students who are missing full days of school or individual classes throughout the day. If patterns of absenteeism develop, formal letters will be sent home to document the number of days missed and engage the family in rectifying the situation. Our hope is that all Gates Chili students will be present to take advantage of the direct instruction and support services we provide. We believe that through strong attendance, open communication between home and school and timely interventions we can continue providing your student(s) with a well-rounded educational experience that will help prepare them to compete in an ever-changing world.


    Attendance to school and class is, by State law, mandatory and necessary for your students’ success.  If it becomes necessary for your child to be absent from school, please call the High School Attendance Office at (585) 247-5050 extension 21101 or 21102.  Students are also required to bring a written excuse to school on the day they return to school.  The High School does not allow students to leave the campus during the school day without express, written permission from their parent/guardian and school administrator.  All written parental requests must be turned in and processed in the Attendance Office prior to the beginning of first period.