SAT Fee-Waiver

  • This service is designed to assist students for whom payment of fees for the SAT or SAT Subject Tests™ might be a barrier to college entrance. See your counselor to request a fee waiver. Only your counselor can grant you a fee waiver. Fee-waivers cover the basic test fees for SAT or SAT Subject Tests and the cost of four additional score reports.

    Note: You must register by the regular registration deadline. Fee waivers cannot be used for late

    registration except for the October test date. Fee waivers cannot be used for standby registrations.


    You are eligible for consideration for fee waivers if you are a high school student who meets the

    financial eligibility guidelines (such as participating in the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch/National School Lunch Program at your school). Your counselor can share any additional eligibility guidelines with you.

    Registering with Fee Waivers

    If you are eligible, you are entitled to use fee waivers to cover the cost of two SAT registrations and two SAT Subject

    Test registrations.

    Online Registration

    If you wish to register online and are eligible, your counselor will give you fee-waiver information, including a 12-digit fee-waiver code. When you are asked to enter your fee-waiver code during online registration, enter the entire 12-digit code. This code can only be used once.

    Waiving College Application Fees

    If you plan to enter college in the 2018-2019 academic year and you have used a fee waiver to register for the SAT or SAT Subject Tests, you can ask your counselor for up to four Request for Waiver of College Application Fee forms. You should only send the forms with your college applications, and only to institutions listed in the Directory of Colleges Cooperating with the SAT Fee-Waiver Service. The directory is available online at

    Note: The institutions listed in the directory are not obligated to waive their application fees. If the college of your choice is not listed in the directory, check the website of the institution for additional details and resources. You may also want to ask your counselor to write a letter (on your school’s letterhead) that explains your circumstances.