The Career Shadowing Program is designed to provide the students of Gates Chili High School with the opportunity to investigate observe and evaluate specific occupations which may be related to their potential career interests.
The purpose of the Career Shadowing Program is to provide an organizational framework that outlines an educationally sound process students can follow in order to explore occupations that are of interest to them. Students will spend a work day, or part of a work day, with a Career Shadowing Mentor who is currently employed in the occupation the student wishes to research.
More than 700 students have participated in this program since 2007. Gates Chili students have shadowed occupations such as culinary arts, law enforcement, TV and radio broadcasting, teachers, engineers, lawyers, veterinarians, pharmacists, physical therapists, physicians, and nurses.
Hundreds of local and regional companies have participated in our shadowing program by accommodating our students for a day or part of a day. Shadowing is coordinated through the Career Center. Applications can be downloaded on this website. Contact Dan Lanning at 247-5050 x 22316 or for more information.
Talk with your counselor about your interest in the Shadowing Program. Discuss exactly what your participation will include.
Obtain a Shadowing Program Packet from your counselor or Mr. Lanning in the Career Center.
Submit a neatly written or typed Career Shadowing Program Application. Be sure to respond to each item on the application.
Complete the Career Shadowing Program Research Worksheets and attach them to your application.
Hand in your completed Application, Worksheets, and Parent Permission Form to Mr. Lanning in the Career Center.
At this point Mr. Lanning will begin the placement process. You will be notified when someone in the community has agreed to be your Shadowing Mentor.