Parent Opportunities

  • Dear Families and Friends of Gates Chili High School:

    In an effort to make learning more meaningful to our students, we are inviting parents, guardians, relatives and other community partners to join our

    Speakers Program Volunteers to this program would visit one or more classes at Gates Chili. High School to meet with students in a small classroom environment to discuss their chosen careers.

    It is our goal to match our guests with an academic area that is directly related to their occupation. We hope to make this a consistent program so that our students will have multiple career speakers within their classrooms during their  years at the high school.

    If you decide to volunteer as a “career speaker” your information will be added to a database located in the Career Center. Teachers will have access to that binder and may be calling you to set up a visit. You can determine the level of your involvement in our Speakers’ Program. Unless otherwise specified by you, only one teacher will contact you to request you visit their classroom for a 46 minute time period at your convenience. You would meet with those students and discuss your career story (including your background and how you chose your career) along with any pertinent information or presentations from your world of work.

    If you are interested, please complete the Speakers Information Form enclosed with this letter and return it to the Career Center at Gates Chili High School, 1 Spartan Way, Rochester, NY 14624. 

    We would love to have you join us!

    Please let us know if you might also be interested in providing shadowing, internship, or individual mentoring opportunities for students.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


    Dan Lanning

    Career Center Coordinator


    Gates Chili High School Speakers Program


    Speakers Information Form

    ____I am interested in volunteering to serve as a presenter for the Gates Chili High School Speakers Program!


    Job/Career Title: ____________________________

    Email address:________________________________






    Phone number(s): Home____________________________Cell_____________________________________ Work____________________________


    **My occupation 

    could relate to the following academic areas (Please check as many academic areas as you see relating to your job/career. Teachers from these academic areas may be contacting you.):

    Art: _____ English: _____ Foreign Language: _____Business_____

    Health: _____ FACS: _____ Math: _____ Music: _____

    Physical Education: _____ Social Studies: _____ Science: _____ Technology: _____


    **Please check the amount of time you could volunteer to this program:

    _____ I would be happy to meet with one class on an agreed upon date. (approx. 46 minutes)

    _____ I would be happy to meet with more than one class on an agreed upon date. (approx. 46 minutes)


    **What is the best time of the day for you to visit with students?

    _____ Morning is best for me (between 8:45 a.m. and Noon).

    _____ Afternoon is best for me (between Noon and 2:15 p.m.).

    _____ I am available any time.


    **If you have any questions, please call Dan Lanning, Career Center Coordinator at 

    247-5050 x 22316


    Please return this form to:

    Dan Lanning

    Gates Chili High School

    Career Center

    1 Spartan Way

    Rochester, NY 14624


    Fax to: 340-5549  Attn. Dan Lanning