CTE/CO-OP Work Based Learning
CTE/Work Based Learning OpportunitiesCO-OP/Internships
The Work Study program is for students who work a part-time evenings or weekend job and would like to earn credit towards graduation for their experience. Students learn valuable workplace skills at their job.
This program combines work experience and classroom instruction. Students learn how academic knowledge and skills can be applied in the workplace. This is a one semester or one year opportunity. Seminar class meets one day per schedule cycle for career related instruction.
Seniors may be eligible to leave school early to go to work.Credit available
based on hours completed
150 documented hours -- 1/2 unit
300 documented hours -- 1 unitStudents work at such businesses as Wegman's, Target, Sears, Tops, Mark's Pizzeria, Daycare, Machine Shops, Law Firms,Landscaping, and many others.
Should you have any questions, please contact your counselor or:
Mr. Lanning, Co-Op Coordinator
Gen-Yes Technology Student HelperThis program combines work experience and classroom instruction. Students can apply for a position and be interviewed by the department representative. Most positions are filled in the spring prior to the school year the student would be working. Stop in the Career Center in the spring to learn more. These opportunities are mostly full year positions, but occasionally one semester opportunities are available.
Credits available based on hours completed.
150 documented hours -- 1/2 unit
300 documented hours -- 1 unit
Student Helper positions are available in IT
SHADOWING-See Shadowing Link
Bookstore Retail Volunteer InternshipStudents may earn either a half credit or full credit by working in either the Bookstore or Spartan Cafe in the Library.
Should you have any questions, please contact,