



     Parent Night at the Career Center  (Open House)


    Come visit for the latest information and assistance on college and career preparation


    Freshman Orientation Night


    Senior Parent Night



    Explorer Program--See link to left of home page

    Students attend hands-on seminars directed by professionals in the career area being explored. Local colleges, businesses, and police, fire and ambulance agencies are among those that participate in the Explorer program.

    To Learn More About these programs
    Select the links below

    The following link lists all possible career exploring dates and organizations


    To make a reservation to attend the informational meetings, please contact:

    Stuart Schnettler (interim), Exploring Field Director – West
    stuart.schnettler@scouting.org (585) 241-8560




    Engineering, Construction, Carpentry)



    Good afternoon,

    The registration portal for the 2023-2024 ACE Mentorship program is now open!
    The Rochester section classes will commence in early October. We encourage students to register at their earliest convenience as spots will be limited this year. Students can register using the following link, ensuring they select NY Upstate Rochester as the affiliate: Registration Link
    Registration ends September 19th
    ACE Mentorship aims to mentor high school students (grades 9-12) and enhance their interest and knowledge in architecture, construction, engineering, and trades. This year, we are offering two distinct programs: the Playhouse program and the Community Parks program.
    The Playhouse program, a staple of ACE, covers the general aspects of careers in Architecture, Construction, and Engineering with a focus on building design and construction. Students will design and build a playhouse and a 1,500 square foot house based on their playhouse design. This program will be held on Thursdays.
    The Community Parks program, introduced a few years ago, focuses on careers in Civil Engineering, Planning, and Landscape Architecture. Students will design and present a new park and design and build site furniture. This program will be held on Tuesdays.
    Upon completing the application, students will be asked to request their preferred team. They should specify whether they prefer the Community Parks program or the Playhouse program. Additionally, students should indicate their shoe size (men's, women's, or kid's) and shirt size (unisex) in the same request. Example: "Community Parks, Shoe: 8 women, Shirt: M". If you have completed you application please send us an email letting us know your team request and shoe/shirt sizes.
    Please note, if you plan to participate in an extracurricular activity that will result in frequent absences, we ask that you reconsider applying. Given the limited space, we want to prioritize students who can attend the majority of the classes.
    There will be a student open house on September 12th where we will go over the program overview and answer questions. If you have questions or concerns in the meantime, please email RochesterNY@acementor.org.




    University of Rochester Medical Center

    Medical Career Workshops 202

    Time:  09:00 AM – 11:00 AM

    •  Learn about the Career of Nursing
    • Guest Panel of Nurses from different areas
    • Take a tour of In-patient Units


                            Please contact Regina Robinson at Email address:

                                          Regina_Robinson@urmc.rochester.edu  (585) 275-5579

                                           *Documentation of Flu/COVID Vaccine not required*

    Student paperwork must be submitted in its entirety to be considered for placement in workshop by:

    Fax forms to: (585) 756-5882, Attn:  Regina Robinson

    Grades: (must be 16 years old)

    Nurse Recruitment and Marketing

    601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 619-19

                              Rochester, NY 14642

    MCC's Applied Technology Center 

     Fall Open House & Networking Event for our HVAC & Solar Technologies Programs. If you could please pass on the attached information to any who would like to attend. Students may also RSVP through the link below.

    Are you interested in pursuing a career in automotive technology, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, or precision tooling and machining? The first step is to attend an information session where you will learn about the programs available in your area of interest, and tour the MCC Applied Technologies Center. You are encouraged to invite your friends and family to attend the session with you.


     RIT Society of Women Engineers Overnight


    Open to HS female Juniors($135) Scholarships AvailableRegistration begins November 1st


    Contact Kaleigh Sweeney @  ritoutreach@gmail.com  or 475-6871 for questions


    RIT Women in Business

    Learn about careers in business from successful women business leaders

    Saunders College of Business is proud to present the third annual Women Leading Business event on March 25, 2020 featuring keynote speaker Magaly Rosario, Executive Director of Eugenio Maria de Hostos Charter School, and RIT alumna! The event is open to high school women in grades 9-11 interested in business careers and learning what traits and skills make a successful leader. Register today.

    This one-day program will focus on helping girls develop leadership skills by participating in dynamic business challenge activities with RIT students and learning about exciting careers in business from current college students and professional women in business. Young women will:

    • Gain exposure to leadership concepts and strategies through a series of activities, including networking and hearing from women business leaders.
    • Engage in a fun and meaningful business challenge experience. Participants will develop a new product idea and business strategy for a successful organization and learn about all business functions.
    • Learn about the multitude of exciting business career paths available to women today, including marketing, human resources, management information systems, project management, accounting and more.

    REGISTRATION DEADLINE MARCH 11. Register today! Limited seating is available.

    Please email Molly McGowan the name and class year of each student that is registered.

    View the full-day agenda online. Lunch will be provided. We hope to see you there!


     Women in Engineering and Women in Computing Open House!

    Please accept our invitation and pass along the word to attend our third annual WE@RIT Engineering Open House, being held this year on Saturday, November 2, 2019

     9am – 1pm at RIT’s Kate Gleason College of Engineering in James Gleason Hall. 

      Departments will provide hand-outs for further exploration at home or in the classroom.  What do engineering and computing professionals do?  What do they look like?  What opportunities are available to them?  How does engineering and computing impact society?  How can parents and K12 educators tie engineering and computing back into the home or classroom?  Come find out!  Free and open to all with no need to register, we invite you to this fun and interactive smorgasbord of engineering and computing led entirely by female engineering and computing students!  The event begins in Gleason Hall, Building 9, north entrance closest to Unity Quad.    

    Career and College Readiness Night

    TBD 6:00-8:00 pm

    Learn about career pathways in Culinary, Hospitality, IT, Skilled Trades, Advanced Manufacturing, Healthcare, 2 and 4 year colleges


     Careers in Cosmetology


    Shear Ego School

    525 Titus Ave, Irondequoit Plaza


    Careers in Zoology

    The Seneca Park Zoo is offering high school students a chance to take part in zoo education and conservation opportunities.  There are a limited number of openings and an application must be completed. Applications for the Zoology program are available in the Career Center.


    MCC High Tech Expo

    TBD @ MCC from 7-9 pm

    Register at www.monroecc.edu/go/hightechexpo    or call 292-3725



    Massage Therapy Open House     www.ostm.edu

    TBD        6-8 PM            302 North Goodman St.            RSVP @ 241-0070 

    Think About Teaching Conference               March  2023

    @Roberts Wesleyan College


    Pick up an application in the Career Center

    GEVA Theatre Career Day                              March  2023

    Youth Workforce Innovations Conference     April 2023

    Pick up an application in the Career Center

    Careers in Sports Day at Frontier Field           April  2023

    Pick up an application in the Career Center


    Friends of Highland Summer Volunteer Program

    A few details about our program:

    • 8-10 week summer program
    • Commitment is one 4 hour shift per week
    • Students must be 15 years old and be able to work independently with minimal supervision
    • NYS Health requirements need to be met and must present a valid work permit


    Please call 341-6759 beginning Monday, April 20, 2020 to set up an interview and visit our website at: https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/highland/about-us/friends-of-highland/volunteer-commitment.aspx


    Unity Health Volunteer Program

    Call 723-7101

    Friends of Highland Volunteer Program

    Seeking afternoon high school volunteers to serve as Ambassadors in our main lobby!


    •   -          High school students 15 or older
    • -          Able to commit to one day per week (Mon-Fri) for a two hour shift between the hours of 1pm and 5pm
    • -          Must be able to work independently after being trained


     For more information please call:

    Friends of Highland at 341-6759. 

    SUNY Upstate Medical University is hosting two Career Awareness Days in April to give high school students (sophomore through seniors) and college students considering these careers an opportunity to learn more about them.  We ask you to please pass along information about these events to your science faculty as well as your students who you feel would be a good fit and interested in these fields.  The attached posters have information about the events and registration information.  There is no fee for students to attend.  Space is limited.  Deadlines to be considered are on the posters. 

    Other Events


    ImagineRIT - The Imagine RIT: Innovation and Creativity Festival is in May. Hundreds of examples of RIT student, faculty and staff innovation and creativity will be on display. Check out cutting-edge technology, groundbreaking research and world-class artistry. Plus, enjoy interactive exhibits, demonstrations and live performances. It’s all free and open to the public, rain or shine. For more information on this day visit http://www.rit.edu/imagine/

    Exploring Social Entrepreneurship - A social entrepreneur is someone who creates a business with the goal of making money and doing good. Social entrepreneurs launch real businesses or ventures that solve an economic or social issue in almost any area.  This program incudes building personal passion and skills for business, developing your social entrepreneurial mindset and running a real coffee shop venture.  For additional information click here.

    Aerospace, Air Force or Military - For students interested in aerospace, and/or the Air Force/Military, the Civil Air Patrol, or “CAP” for short, and the Explorer program offer an exciting opportunity for students to learn more about this career area. CAP is the official Auxiliary of the United States Air Force. We teach aerospace science, serve as the United States’ primary inland search and rescue agency for missing aircraft, and offer a multi-year co-ed leadership development program for students ages 12-18 that will benefit you regardless of the career you eventually pursue. This Cadet Program offers leadership training and experience, local/state/regional/national and international activities, scholarship opportunities, free orientation flights, and even opportunities for some to pursue a pilot’s license at reduced costs. And there’s no military commitment for being a CAP cadet! For more details click here.

    Game Plan - Do you have a child entering 9th or 10th grade in the fall? If so, A summer program designed for high school students is available to help them be more prepared for life after high school. Students that complete the program will...
    • have a better understanding of their personal skills and how these skills can be applied to post-high school choices.
    • be better able to link educational choices and career options.
    For further information, click here
    Rochester Works: Youth Week - Rochester Works! For Youth! is offering three days of career related opportunities for youth over February Break.  Wednesday is dedicated to interviewing, Thursday is learning about health care careers and Friday is a youth job fair.  For the details on the days and times click here.  For information on the health care presenters click here.



    For more information, see Mr. Lanning in the Career Center

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