Career Center
Whether you’re a freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, or an adult, this site can help by offering information and assistance to GC students, parents, and community members as they plan for their post-high school experience and career interests. There are books, pamphlets, and other sources of information to assist students and parents with college, careers, scholarship opportunities and financial aid for college or trade school. You can also check out all of the recent recruiting information on any branch of the service and get recruiter contact information.
You'll find the latest information on college fairs, open houses, and career programs of interest. We also have information on the latest job openings and volunteer information from the local community. We encourage you to visit the web site frequently and stop to the Career Center located in the Counseling Suite to explore the career and college information to better understand and take part in the opportunities available to you.
Knowing what to do after high school is not an easy process! We can help!
Resources include:
Numerous career reference books related to sixteen career clusters.
Career magazines, pamphlets, and military information for students to browse or take.
Information board on exploring programs near the main entrance to the counseling suite and outside the Career Center.
Information on Career Shadowing
- Information on college visit
Computers (8) that can be reserved or used by students during study hall.
Other Resources
Career Field Trips
Career Speakers
College Field Trips
College Fairs
- Naviance Resources
Financial Aid Informational Nights
- Military ASVAB Testing
The Career Shadowing and Internship Programs are coordinated through the Career Center
Part Time Job and Volunteering Information
Career and College Prep.(Resume and Cover Letter Assistance)
For information, contact Dan Lanning at 247-5050 x 22316 daniel_lanning@gateschili.orgLori Robinson at 247-5050 x 21522
The Career Center is open Monday - Friday 7:20 AM - 2:50 PM