Middle School Continuum of Special Education Services

  • A student with a disability shall be provided with appropriate special education. Students with disabilities will be provided with an education in the least restrictive environment. Students are provided with the special education specified on the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to meet the student's unique needs. Students are grouped in special education settings based upon similar needs in the areas of: academic and education achievement, social development, physical, and management needs.

    The continuum of Gates Chili Middle School special education services for students with disabilities is a spectrum of programs and services designed to meet student's individualized needs that includes: Consultant Teacher Services (direct or indirect), Integrated Co-Teaching, Self-Contained settings, Resource Room services along with related services (such as speech-language, counseling, etc.).


    • CONSULTANT TEACHER SERVICES: These services shall be for the purpose of providing direct and/or indirect services to students with disabilities attending regular education classes. Such services are recommended by the committee on special education to meet specific needs of students with disabilities. Each student will receive the IEP minimum of two hours per week.  Students with disabilities are placed into a regular education setting and receive services/support via a certified special education teacher within the regular education classroom. The level of supports provided are individualized by student need.


    • COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL SKILLS PROGRAM: CASSP is designed for students requiring additional support in social skills development. These students receive services in a combination of regular education and self contained settings taught and monitored by a certified special education teacher.


    • INTEGRATED CO-TEACHING: Students with Disabilities are placed in a regular education setting to receive daily services/support form a certified special education teacher within the regular education setting. This support provides specially designed instruction and academic instruction within the regular education classroom. The tandem efforts of the regular education and special education teachers supports the inclusion of all students.



    12:1:1 - The 12:1:1 classroom is a multi-graded setting designed for up to 12 students with one teacher and one classroom aide. This setting is designed to support students as they continue to require additional instruction in skill-based development; this setting is outside of the regular education classroom where content is taught by a certified special education teacher and addresses individual student need. Students may or may not participate in regular education standardized testing.

    8:1:1 - The 8:1:1 setting is comprised of up to eight students with one teacher and one classroom aide. The program supports students with management/behavioral needs in a combination of regular education and special class settings, as well as ongoing counseling support.

    RESOURCE ROOM - The Resource Room is a service outside of the regular education setting to provide additional academic/skill support to students with disabilities. This is a supplemental program to both regular and special education programs.