Middle School Upstanders
The Upstander movement is an ongoing and exciting process focused on transforming Gates Chili Middle School (GCMS) from a culture of student bystanders into a community where everyone is aware of the importance of taking a positive stand for all students. The student led initiative began several years ago and has spread quickly through the school and District. The Upstander movement promotes involvement in school wide programs and activities. Bullying situations have been reduced and the social climate of our school has improved as a result of students taking action in a positive way to stand up for themselves and others.
Students and adults have the opportunity to work together to make Upstanders an important part of our school. The emphasis on the meaning of being an Upstander is a way to help our Spartan Way values of Respect, Responsibility, and Compassion become that much more understandable and meaningful on a daily basis.
Upstanders are students or student groups that choose to take a positive stand on behalf of themselves and others. They are heroes and are responsible examples to others. Upstanders:
stand up for their beliefs, while respecting others
do what they think is right, even if they stand alone.
are not simply bystanders; they act to interrupt bully behavior and/or support the target of bullying.
pay attention if something that is happening is wrong, and do something to make things right.
show compassion toward others.
We are proud of this movement and take steps to recognize Upstanders. We hope to see your child as a GCMS Upstander!