Class of 2028

  • appleWelcome Class of 2028!

    Welcome, incoming 9th-grade students! We're excited to have you at Gates Chili High School. I'm Mrs. Parchment-Magnussen, your assistant principal, and Mrs. Keller is your 9th-grade administrative assistant. We look forward to a fun and successful year together!


            Mrs. Parchment-Magnussen                        Mrs. Keller           
                  Assistant Principal                            Administrative Assistant


      Meet Our Class Officers and Advisors!           

        Class Advisors- Mr. Caboot &   Mr. Haller       


    • President- ???
    • Vice President- ???
    • Secretary- ???
    • Treasurer- ???
    • Historian- ???         
    • MascotL ???                                                                             

    GET INVOLVED: Please see your advisors if interested in running for a class officer position.