Volunteer Opportunities

  • golf
    Donate as little as an hour, or sign up to organize an event.  You decide how you can help, and how much time you can give!  Choose an opportunity that suits you and your schedule.
    Here are only some of the ways in which you can participate:
    • Help during parades
    • Assist with the Bottle and Can Drive
    • Sell concessions during the musical and other events
    • Assist the marching band during home football games
    • Help organize a fundraiser
    • Donate food items for Solo Festivals and other events
    • Help with marching band uniforms
    • Chaperone a trip or other music related event
    • Help plan events such as Java Jazz and the Music Banquet
    • Assist with chorus uniforms.... and much more!


    If you plan to volunteer on school grounds or around the students, please go to the District volunteer page and follow the instructions to complete the online volunteer form. This is for the safety of the students.

    If you have any questions pertaining to volunteer opportunities within Music Boosters, please contact our Music Booster Volunteer Coordinator at gchsmb@gmail.com

    Volunteer Co-Coordinators
    Terri Menard & Renee Bassett