GCHS participates in the Fermat Division of the Monroe County Math League.
Monthly meets take place from October to February and Gates Chili will host on December 4, 2018. A meet consists of 6 different categories, each with 3 questions. The level of difficulty increases from a fairly simple 1 pointer, to a standard 2 pointer, and ends with a challenging 3 pointer. Answers are either right or wrong with no partial credit awarded. Students have 10 minutes to work on the 3 questions in a category. Each month students are assigned to 3 of the 6 categories. Graphing calculators are allowed during the months of October, December, and February. In March the League hosts the County Meet at St John Fisher College. Schools bring Allstar teams of 15 students to compete both individually and collaboratively. Awards are presented for Team MVP's and top performing schools and individuals.